Discouragement does not wait for an invitation

The shiny newness of the new school year has worn off, but things have not yet had time to become habit. This means effort without the added energy of excitement to carry us through. At least that is how Kiki and I feel. Link, Gleek, and Patch are all still pretty cheerful about heading off to school. In related news, all of the things I’ve been spending time on lately (kids & house mostly) are really important, but lacking in short-term rewards. I think things will feel better tomorrow when I complete some of the organization projects. Right now everything is in a state where it is messier than it was before I started working on it. In fact that is true of the school year and helping the kids too. It is all pulled apart and taking up three times the amount of space than it should. I just need to remember that I’ll get it all put back together and everything will fit again.