Day: September 24, 2009

A multi person pile-up in the making

Some days are a wreck waiting to happen.

Link is having his first experience with real homework. He has a 20 picture autobiography and a country report both due tomorrow. He has two regular homework assignments as well. He is feeling a bit buried and overwhelmed. It isn’t too much work, we just didn’t get enough of the big projects done earlier. An hour or two of solid work will get the assignments done. The tricky part is cajoling Link into putting in the work instead of staring at the pile in despair.

Kiki is struggling this year. She has a moderate to heavy homework load. She’s getting up earlier than she has been accustomed to doing. She continues to struggle with insomnia. She too has some large assignments looming over her. She is at the beginning end of the assignments, but she really needs to not procrastinate. So today needs to be a heavy homework day for her. Only she’s of an age where she pushes back when I lean on her to get her work done, or when I suggest that she needs to apply some time management techniques.

Gleek and Patch are having a normal day, but normal includes frequent requests that I need to respond to or help with.

Howard is tired because his sleep rhythms have been all over the map lately. He also needs help packing for a seminar and is stressed about getting the presentations right.

I spent all day assembling two pallets of books. This involved much heavy lifting and two trips to the storage unit. I also had to put together some box sets to fill out the order to the distributor. I am physically exhausted, in need of a shower, and longing to lock myself someplace quiet and just zone out. Instead I have to help with all of the above. I still need to wrap and strap the two pallets of books. Also there are dishes to hand wash before bed.

We have not yet had a major argument, but it is probably a matter of time.

Ordinary Day

I guess I must have needed the extra sleep, but having two and a half hours vanish into a nap made the day feel really short.  This is particularly true because I did not emerge feeling rested.  Instead I felt fatigued because I’d had to fight my way free of the clinging tentacles of anxious dreams.  I think those dreams cameoed just about every worrisome thought that has floated through my brain in the last week.  In technicolor and full-sensory surround.  But they weren’t true nightmares, just tangles.

Tomorrow I get to haul books from our storage unit and assemble them into a pallet.  On Friday this pallet will get hauled away by a freight shipper and delivered to our distributor.  XDM books and The Tub of Happiness will be hitting game stores in mid-October.