Today was:

Today was
walking across newly buckled hardwood flooring because the dishwasher decided to leak two days ago. Packing orders on a newly dry shipping table that had been made wet by the same dishwasher. Making an appointment for appliance repair.

business conversations with Howard in the kitchen where we hammered out current policy and future plans.

Taking Gleek to her first private art lesson, then picking her up and hearing “It’s over already?” Then watching her carry her new art supplies through the house as she began to create characters for a comic strip.

Watching for Kiki because she was late home from school and hadn’t called. Then seeing her as I was leaving to drive Gleek to lesson and learning that her lateness was the bus’ fault and that she would have called me if she could.

Listening as Link visits with our bishop about his upcoming ordination and responsibilities. Watching Link sit very straight in his chair with confidence and sureness in his eyes.

Holding hands with Howard as we walked home together.

Watching kids run wildly in the back yard, playing ever shifting games with their friends. Letting them stay up a little later that I should have because warm evenings are lovely and I did not want to cut it short.

Talking with my friend as we watch our kids play together.

Requiring Gleek to sit in the grass and blow invisible bubbles into which she can put her angry feelings and let them go. Then watching her do this same process by herself several times as there are frictions between friends.

Having the house clean enough that sweeping and vacuuming were minor tasks rather than major efforts.

Patch accidentally slapping me in the mouth while trying to give me a high five, and both of us laughing about it.

Watching over Kiki’s shoulder as she does some amazing coloring on one of Howard’s original drawings.

Realizing that my life is full of good things that I sometimes fail to notice.