Scattered thoughts

Some days I stare at this white box on my screen and describing the day is hard. This is not because the day was full of exciting events, usually the opposite. My day was full of small busy things which completely filled my brain and left very little space for arranging thoughts into a pretty pattern. I had many thoughts today. My mind was much occupied while my hands and arms assembled 50 boxed sets and put them in packages. It was similarly occupied while I loaded those packages into our van and then unloaded them at the post office.

I thought much about several internet brouhahas which stirred up my circles of acquaintance. I though gratefully about the arrival of necessary miracles. I looked at the countries on the shipping forms and was amazed once again that people thousands of miles away will buy things from us. I thought about my kids, their needs and the things I need to keep track of on their behalf. I thought about Doctor Who. This last, primarily because I re-watched some episodes while packing boxes. Packing while watching was a little slower but much more enjoyable.

I intended to write when the work was all done, but my thoughts are scattered everywhere and I think I am too tired to collect them. Also, typing reminds me that my fingers are sore from building boxes. So I will do my project writing on a more collected day.