Thanksgiving at the Tayler House

This year we spent Thanksgiving with just our little family. It was a perfect respite for me. To make it even better, we removed all the stress from the cooking. Each person in the family picked one thing they wanted to have for Thanksgiving dinner. Each person was then responsible for preparing the food they picked. This meant that Link spent quite a lot of time yesterday creating a seven layer rainbow jello. Yesterday was also the day that Patch helped me bake pumpkin pies. Kiki feels strongly that Thanksgiving must have turkey, so she tackled that. Gleek was the queen of rolls. I did stuffing and Howard handled mashed potatoes and gravy. Over the space of two days I spent time with each of the kids individually preparing a food for everyone to share. This afternoon we all sat at the table and admired the fruits of our efforts. The kids each admired their own work and the work of their siblings. Then we ate. After dinner the kids helped clean up and we all sat down to watch UP, which is a perfect Thanksgiving movie. Sometimes the best stuff is the little stuff, which is why I’m so glad for this simple Thanksgiving day.