Doing lots of nothing

Last week I declared that the Thanksgiving break was a time when I planned nothing. For the next five days I have no required To Do list. And so far this morning…I’ve done exactly what I would have done if I’d given myself a To Do list for the day. The only difference is in my approach. Instead of thinking “What do I have to do next?” I’ve been thinking “What do I want to do right now?” The answer is the same, but how I feel about it is entirely different.

We’ll also be doing some less ordinary stuff. This afternoon I’m taking all the kids to go see Tangled. We’re also embarking into the realms of pre-feast cookery. Life is good, which is something of a startling discovery after this past weekend. It is also one of those smack-myself-in-the-head-because-it-is-so-obvious discoveries.