The Frugal Pantry

More than once I’ve been asked for tips on how to cut grocery spending. Since that is becoming a frequently asked question I am now creating this entry so that the next time I’m asked it, I can just point the asker here. In fact I’m starting to use the “tag” feature to create a trail of entries on “Frugal Living” If you want to read all the entries, just click the “Frugal Living” link at the end of this entry and you’ll get a list of all the entries I deem to be related to that topic.

Let me say right here, that I’m still learning this whole frugal living stuff. When Howard still worked at Novell our children lived off of storebought chicken nuggets and chimichangas. We ate take out food almost daily in some form or another. I am not trying to set myself up as an Expert or Guru or anything else holier-than-thou. I’m just excited about the topic of saving money on household expenses and I’d like to share some of the stuff that I’ve learned. …