Thoughts on fashion

I’m not sure what it is with the local automotive shops, but it seems that every time I’m in the waiting room of one the tv is showing Ambush Makeover. I have no problem with one friend giving a make over to another as a surprise and appreciated gift. But the whole idea that the fashion divas will walk up to a person on the street, criticize them, and then remake them is offensive to me. I feel the same way about popular magazines Best Dressed and Worst Dressed lists. I can’t always tell which pictures represent “Best” and which “Worst” without looking at the captions.

I am not a fashionable person. My primary consideration when choosing clothes for the day is “what will I be doing?” Most days I’m at home with the kids and my clothing is chosen for comfort. I do not change clothes if I have to make a quick trip to the store. This would probably put me into a category labelled “frumpy.” Many of my clothes have stains on them which I can’t get out. I continue to wear them because I have no desire to replace all my clothes regularly. Besides I’ll probably be adding to the stains during the course of my average cooking, house cleaning, child rearing day. But I can dress up. I can be classy. I know I can because I’ve gotten compliments. Just because I don’t look classy today doesn’t mean I can’t look classy. Besides, I don’t care much to chase after every fashion trend. And I don’t think that everyone should have to do so or fear the judgement of fashion divas.

Do I want a makeover? No way. And I resent the idea that somehow being fashionable makes a person better.