Beautiful Dreamers

I think I never love my children more than when they are sleeping. Oh, I love them when they are awake, but when they’re awake they need things. When they’re awake they squabble and make messes and get dirty. True they also sing and dance and laugh, but not always. I have moments when I look at one of the kids and marvel at this little being who has hijacked my life. They are always marvellous, but when they’re squabbling, or needy, or dirty I get too distracted to notice. When they are sleeping they need nothing from me. When they are sleeping they look so small and young and beautiful. When they are sleeping I am free to look for a few minutes and ponder the joy they bring. When they are sleeping I am free to just love them without distraction.

Today while Kiki and Link were at school, Gleek and Patches crashed into simultaneous naps. The house was blessedly peaceful. I ate lunch without interruption and took an uninterrupted 40 minute nap. And also I spent a few minutes gazing on my beautiful little dreamers.