High tension

Gleek is recovering well. She is crankier and sleepier than usual, but her appetite is picking up and she is playing.

Patches seems to have reverted to his usual secure and happy self.

Book pre-orders opened yesterday. We’ve already broken even on the books. Now we just need to see how long the flow of orders will last. Will it bring in enough money to fill our financial reservoirs so that Howard doesn’t have to go get a day job? I can’t help feeling like the first 48 hours of preorders will determine the outcome. I can’t stop being stressed.

8 thoughts on “High tension”

  1. Did I tell you that I passed along the URL to Schlock to the husband at the knitting group on Sunday? He had heard of Schlock (ominous hummmmmmm) but hadn’t actually gone looking to read it.

  2. Did I tell you that I passed along the URL to Schlock to the husband at the knitting group on Sunday? He had heard of Schlock (ominous hummmmmmm) but hadn’t actually gone looking to read it.

  3. I’ll probably make a stop in at the Keep sometime this week. (I live in Provo and I love that stuff, but I’ve never been there before. School and all…) :-p So anyway, yeah, that’s another pre-order you can be pretty certain of. 😀

  4. I’ll probably make a stop in at the Keep sometime this week. (I live in Provo and I love that stuff, but I’ve never been there before. School and all…) :-p So anyway, yeah, that’s another pre-order you can be pretty certain of. 😀

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