
Our spring break schedule has been… irregular. I’ve been having a great time sleeping until I’m ready to get up. I actually think that getting enough sleep has been a huge factor in the amount of stuff I’ve been able to accomplish this week. Unfortunately when I sleep in, breakfast becomes catch-as-can. That generally throws the rest of the meal schedules off as well. The lack of schedule is hardest on Patches. I haven’t put him to bed at all this week. I keep finding him asleep in front of a movie. One night I even discovered that he’d crawled into my bed an fallen asleep. He put himself to bed when he was tired. It makes me a little sad and guilty. The kids deserve a true bedtime with stories and talking.

I definitely need to have a plan for summer.

4 thoughts on “Schedules”

  1. This wouldn’t have been as big of an issue had I been at home. My schedule is a little firmer, school or no school, and that will help lock in everybody else’s.

    (Says the work-at-home Dad who likes to sleep in…)

  2. This wouldn’t have been as big of an issue had I been at home. My schedule is a little firmer, school or no school, and that will help lock in everybody else’s.

    (Says the work-at-home Dad who likes to sleep in…)

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