on being supportive

One of the things I love about Howard is that when I tentatively mention that maybe I should possibly enter one of my stories in a contest… maybe, his instant answer is “You should do that.” When I mumble about maybe putting together a book of short stories, he tells me it is a wonderful idea. When I talk about maybe taking dance classes he thinks I should do it. Howard is fully supportive in all my creative endeavors. The fact that all my stories are unpublished does not diminish Howard’s belief in the value of my creative efforts. He wants me to succeed creatively as much as he wants to succeed himself. I love that.

I also love that we both have our priorities straight. Our family comes first. The needs of the kids and our marriage are primary. Secondary is Schlock Mercenary. The success of Schlock supports our family and opens doorways for other creative work. Neither Howard nor I consider my creative efforts less valuable than his, but his has the better chance for helping us live the life we want to have. For now business concerns are prioritized above creativity.

It is a delacate juggling act to keep it all in balance. I’m glad I have a wonderful partner to help me juggle.

22 thoughts on “on being supportive”

  1. And he’s lucky to have one who’s willing to juggle as much as you have so that he can live out his dream of being a cartoonist. 🙂

  2. And he’s lucky to have one who’s willing to juggle as much as you have so that he can live out his dream of being a cartoonist. 🙂

  3. Support is indispensible. Fabian always tells me to hurry up and write my bestseller so he can quit his job and stay home with the kids. His faith in me is occassionally intimidating, but without it I would have stopped writing long ago.

  4. Support is indispensible. Fabian always tells me to hurry up and write my bestseller so he can quit his job and stay home with the kids. His faith in me is occassionally intimidating, but without it I would have stopped writing long ago.

  5. You are both very lucky ~smile~

    I don’t know about anyone else, but if you are willing to do so – i know i would love to read some of your stories – if they aren’t too long to post here that is 🙂

  6. You are both very lucky ~smile~

    I don’t know about anyone else, but if you are willing to do so – i know i would love to read some of your stories – if they aren’t too long to post here that is 🙂

  7. You’re less paranoid than I 🙂 Unconditional support makes me feel like the other person isn’t really listening or giving his honest opinion. I’d rather constructive criticism now and again along with the support. But I admit it’s probably sheer paranoia on my part!

  8. You’re less paranoid than I 🙂 Unconditional support makes me feel like the other person isn’t really listening or giving his honest opinion. I’d rather constructive criticism now and again along with the support. But I admit it’s probably sheer paranoia on my part!

  9. There is a difference between a tossed out “go ahead” and a meeting-the-eyes “you should do that” followed by help scheming how to make it actually work.

  10. There is a difference between a tossed out “go ahead” and a meeting-the-eyes “you should do that” followed by help scheming how to make it actually work.

  11. Husband-at-home is wonderful. I highly recommend it. You and Fabian have the makings of an excellent author marketing machine. You can write and Fabian networks instinctively. With careful planning you could be there sooner than you think.

  12. Husband-at-home is wonderful. I highly recommend it. You and Fabian have the makings of an excellent author marketing machine. You can write and Fabian networks instinctively. With careful planning you could be there sooner than you think.

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