Post-holiday Lassitude

Our stay in Livermore has been extended by a day courtesy of snowy weather over Donner Pass.  I am selfishly glad for the extension.  I’ve been having loads of fun relaxing and visiting.  Howard is having fun too, but he’s starting to feel hemmed in with all the people.   While there isn’t a single person here he doesn’t like, there are just so many of them that his inner introvert is huddling in a little ball and whimpering.  There are 7 children and 9 adults here, and only 9 rooms to be shared by them all.  Unless you count the hallway as a room.  Which I don’t.  I did count the bathrooms because it is possible to hide in one for awhile if you’re willing to risk the ire of all the people who wish to use the facilities.  Fortunately today we have a plan which will get Howard out of the house and to a quiet place where he can paint minis for several hours.  

Some people use the day after Christmas as a huge shopping day.  Around here, we’re all just sleeping or sitting in collapsed heaps.  At least the adults are, the kids have been playing with their new toys.  Mostly the play has been quiet, they seem to be tired too.  I made sure that Patches, Gleek, and Link all went to bed on time last night.  I’d idenified all three as overly cranky yesterday.  Kiki was sneakier.  She took a nintendo DS to bed with her and played with it under the covers.  She is very upsetable today.  Tonight I’m going to claim all the portable game systems and lock them up before bed.

I should probably begin organizing our things so they’re ready to pack back into the car.  But I’m feeling singularly unmotivated to do so.  Maybe I’ll curl up somewhere and play Sudoku instead.

2 thoughts on “Post-holiday Lassitude”

  1. Sudoku sounds like a good idea. Think I’ll play a few games myself, since the Fates are currently conspiring against my sleeping at the moment.

  2. Sudoku sounds like a good idea. Think I’ll play a few games myself, since the Fates are currently conspiring against my sleeping at the moment.

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