Plans gone awry

Patches has joined Gleek in lying feverishly and listlessly on the couch. Why is it that my family always has new and exciting illnesses to share every time we get together with my relatives? This effectively foils my plans to take my sister thrift shopping. It also foils the plans where Patches and his same age cousin were going to play in the back yard and do preschoolish stuff together. Instead Gleek and Patches are watching lots of dvds. The feature of the moment is Looney Tunes. Road Runner can make them laugh even though they haven’t the energy to stand up or eat. Yay roadrunner!

Also in the news today, Kiki is home from school frantically finishing up her Science Fair display which was due an hour ago. This display was assigned in December. Part of me feels awful for forgetting to make her do it over the weekend. But then I remembered that I spent Saturday morning cleaning house, Saturday afternoon visiting with my sister, Saturday evening attending a wedding and writing a speech to give at church, Sunday morning finishing up the speech, Sunday noonish at church, Sunday afternoon at a meeting and tending to sick Gleek. I further remember that the display is not my assignment, it is Kiki’s. She is the one who should remember it and do it. She spent large portions of the weekend playing video games. Not. My. Fault. The good news is that Kiki isn’t even trying to blame me. I’m trying to blame me and stopping myself.

The remainder of today will be spent tending to Gleek and Patches and popping vitamin C every hour in the hope that I can manage to not catch whatever it is that they’ve got. I don’t want to be sick during this week. I don’t want to miss any of the things that I have been looking forward to for so long.