Day: February 24, 2007

Bedtime Conversation

Gleek has been having bad dreams lately. Lots of them. They cause her to call out in the night and snuggle in bed with Howard because that makes her feel safe. I’ve tried talking to her about the dreams in the morning, but that doesn’t work. In the mornings she has escaped the night’s dreams and doesn’t want to go back there. This means that the best time to talk about her dreams is before bed. This is when she is faced with a long dark night ahead and wants to do anything to keep me from leaving her. This means that she’ll discuss her dreams quite thoroughly. Unfortunately I’m usually trying to hustle multiple kids into bed and so I don’t stay to listen.

Tonight I decided to listen to Gleek for however long she needed. I had no idea how much she needed to talk. She prattled on for more than an hour with me sitting and listening. First she talked about the dreams themselves which were primarily composed of pieces of movies that she had seen. Then she lamented the fact that all movies have scary parts in them. Then she tried to convince me to let her watch a couple of movies before she went to bed because she was used to those movies and they wouldn’t scare her. She described exactly which parts of the movies she liked and why. After that we segued into her telling me that she is never ever going to play with her best friend again. She is filled with anger for this Bestfriend. Only, when I mentioned that Bestfriend was sick, Gleek was ready to write a cheerful note and mail it so that Bestfriend wouldn’t be sad. We discussed the depth of her anger for Bestfriend, but Gleek could not explain why she was angry, only that she was. Then Gleek began to talk about how a boy at school had punched her in the stomach. I got all the details on that one, including reactions from the teacher. A female classmate was mentioned with a smile. Gleek described how she taught Classmate to climb down from the jungle gym. Classmate is obviously special to Gleek. That is when it came out that Gleek had made friends with Classmate and then Bestfriend had too. Gleek worried that Classmate would go off to be friends with Bestfriend and leave Gleek alone. Gleek made a whole plan where she could have Classmate to herself. But then that left Bestfriend without anyone and Gleek didn’t want Bestfriend to be sad, so she decided that Bestfriend could have Othergirl.

We talked around this triangle for a long time. I tried to plant the idea that it was possible for Classmate to have more than one friend, but I’m not sure that the idea took root. There were additional digressions to explain why Gleek threw a crayon at Annoyingboy and how she likes having a first grader desk all to herself because now she doesn’t have to sit at a table with people who annoy her.

Eventually she was winding down. I could tell that she could continue talking, but that the need to unload was much less. I asked her to lie down quietly while I went to tuck Link into bed. I promised to come back to talk to her some more as soon as I was done. I did come back, but by then she was so peacefully sleepy that she didn’t feel like talking. I bet she has better dreams tonight.

I need to take time to listen to her at bedtime. She doesn’t talk about this stuff during the day and it has to vent somewhere. My other kids could benefit from talking time too. It is hard for me to be a good listener when what I really want to do is shove them all into bed and go be with Howard. But they need it, so I need to do it.

A website for me

I’ve set a goal for myself. By the time that I leave for Seattle (March 27) I need to have a functioning website for myself. It will host some of my stories and other pieces of writing. I will also have a fistful of business cards which direct people to my site. I really wish I’d had this done before LTUE. I definitely want it done before Emerald City Comic Con. I won’t be able to attend much of the con because I’ll have all four kids in tow, but if I do meet interesting people, I want to be able to hand them a card.

To accomplish this goal I’m drafting the help of my web designer brother-in-law. I’ve already got the URL and hosting. He’s created the framework for my site. I just need to get him over here to teach me how to edit what goes into the framework.

I also need to fill the site with content. This means sorting through the things I’ve written to decide what I want to make available online and what I want to hold in reserve for print publication. Some of the pieces will require re-writing to make them a better fit for the website format. I can’t just throw blog entries under the heading “essays” and expect that to be impressive.

I need to get a photo taken. I haven’t had a portrait done since 1999. I didn’t like those portraits. I don’t think I want to go to a studio. I want to barter with a friend or local photographer to do a several hour photo shoot in various locations and several changes of clothing. That way I won’t end up with a single photo that I use for everything, but a stack of photos from which I can pick.

With a website in place I am much better positioned to put myself forward as a professional writer. I hope I can squeeze all this work in around my regular things and the two anthology submissions.