Fretting which ends in gladness

I’ve made several mentions of the fact that Gleek is sick. She has been sick since last Saturday morning and has spent most of the week lying on the couch in her “sick spot” watching movies. Yesterday she looked like she was on the mend. Then around bedtime the sound of her cough changed and she spiked a fever. The last time Gleek lay listlessly with a high fever and shallow breaths she was two years old and I ended up staying with her over night in the hospital. She slept in my bed for a good portion of last night. She did no sleep well. I did not sleep well. When I did sleep all my dreams had to do with packing for an overnight hospital stay and being perpetually late for the doctor’s appointment.

This morning I packed up a bag just in case the doctor sent us straight to the hospital. I had all the plans made. I was taking Patches with me and if we were sent to the hospital I had a list of people that I could call to come and get him. I dressed in comfortable clothes just in case I ended up sleeping in them. I had clear ideas about who I could call to pick up Link and Kiki from school. This minute planning is how I occupied my brain lying awake at 3 am, listening to Gleek breathe, and waiting for morning. When morning came I put all the pieces into place. It was only when it was all done and I found myself pacing in the kitchen with 30 minutes before the doctor’s appointment that I realized my flurry of planning was a very effective tactic for not fretting.

Fortunately all my plans were unnecessary for anything other than fretting prevention. Gleek has bronchitis. “Bronchitis” is doctor speak for “Well lookit that, this virus settled into the upper respiratory tract.” We came home with some prescriptions to ease the congestion and instructions to take care of her until she gets better. She’s back in her sick spot watching movies. Hopefully we’ll all get some sleep before the day is over.

I’m very glad to not be in the hospital. I’m even gladder that the medications are helping Gleek feel better. I’m also glad that while Gleek continues to need loving care, her illness is not a serious one. I’m glad that my sister is willing to babysit sick kids so that I still get to go out to dinner tonight to meet John Ringo.

Now I’m off to curl up with a book while the kids aren’t looking.