I sold a story!

Julie Czerneda accepted my story “Immigrant” for her Ages of Wonder anthology that is due out this fall. I’m so happy that I want to dance around the room. I have in fact danced around the room. Twice. I also startled both Howard and Kiki by running up to them, flapping my hands wildly with joy, to announce the news. Yes folks, this is how we calm, professional, writer people act when we make our first sale.

I really didn’t know whether to expect it or not. The optimistic part of me was sure my story would be picked. The pessimistic part of me already had a half composed response which included “Please consider me for your next anthology.” The pessimistic part was, appropriately, disappointed. The half composed response will not get used. I’ll have to file it away for a probable future rejection.

It would be nice to say that I’ve been calmly waiting for news about this anthology. It would be a lie. I have been quietly lurking on the Czerneda news forum for the last week to catch any snips of information that might be dropped. This is why I knew when the notices had been sent out. The notifications had been sent out and I hadn’t received one. I was terrified that my story had been lost somehow and never been read. But I remembered that the same thing happened to the invitation to submit. It disappeared into some electronic black hole between Julie’s computer and mine. I used the same solution this time as last time. I emailed Julie. She kindly replied that she would resend the notification. The reply arrived, but the notification did not. I’m pretty sure there is an electronic gremlin lurking inside my cable modem eating the emails. But it only eats emails from Julie Czerneda. I guess they’re yummier or something. Fortunately Julie was kind enough to cut and paste the information into yet another reply. Have I mentioned how nice Julie is? She is very nice.

The inclusion of my story in Ages of Wonder means that I will have two works of mine published before the end of this year. Ages of Wonder is due in the fall and my children’s book, Hold On To Your Horses, will be out in July. I’m happy. I’m so happy that none of my icons were happy enough. I had to make a new one using some of the artwork from Hold On To Your Horses. Consider it a sneak preview.

Excuse me. I need to go dance a little more.

22 thoughts on “I sold a story!”






    Sorry, had to do several laps of SQUEEE to get them all out.


  2. woohoo!!!

    Congratulations! I have a brand spanking new nephew (ok, he’s 4 days old, but that’s still pretty new) and i will be sure to get your book for him when it goes on sale 🙂

  3. That is beyond awesome.

    Congratulations! You now get to call yourself (and have others call you) a “professional writer”. Doesn’t it feel great?

    (I got to be a professional artist once when I did a couple commissioned pieces – mascot cartoons, for a friend’s English school in Japan. It felt nice, just to be able to call myself a professional artist… but I didn’t have the seeds of a career the way you do.)

    And the icon looks cute!

  4. AWESOME!!!! You’ll have to let us know when each is published! I want to buy a copy of your children’s book for my niece. I think I remember you saying that this story was written for Gleek, and your descriptions of Gleek always remind me of this niece, so I have a feeling she’ll enjoy it quite a bit. 🙂

  5. That is awesome! I LOVE Czerneda’s work! I will most CERTAINLY keep an eye out for your story in this book! Congratulations on the the two works published!

  6. Hooray! That’s fantastic news. Congrats! I’m only sad that the timing of publication means there won’t be a launch at Ad Astra. 😉

    I’ll keep an eye out in the fall to get my copy, so I can get you to sign it when I see you in person 🙂

  7. I was actually happy with the timing because it will be in print before Ad Astra and therefore available in the dealers room at booksellers. I hadn’t considered the possibility of a launch at Ad Astra. Are book launches at conventions common?

    And while we’re talking about Ad Astra is there any update on the other guests for 2008? The Ad Astra site hasn’t been updated since the convention.

  8. Thank you so much for your help in shaping the story. The version that will see print has significant differences from the last version you read, but it would not be the story it is without your help.


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