Last Day of School

Today I dropped Kiki at school, dropped Link at school, attended Gleek’s kindergarten graduation, picked up Kiki, and picked up Link, all in the space of 90 minutes. Then we were done with school. I am finally finished with the insane schedule of 5 drop offs/pick ups per weekday. For the next four days we’re all going to play. On Monday a new schedule begins. Link will be attending some summer school and Kiki will be starting Clarinet lessons. So I’ll still have running around to do, but not nearly so much. July and August are pretty empty.

This could have been a spring for serious nostalgia. Kiki is leaving grade school behind. Gleek leaving Kindergarten. I would probably feel more wistful about the whole thing if I hadn’t been run ragged this last month going to school programs and carnivals and graduation ceremonies. Oh, and parties. In the last two weeks I’ve been invited to 4 baby showers, 1 purse party, 1 game party, 2 block parties, and hosted Kiki’s birthday party as well as a BBQ for Howard’s gaming group. Insane. I didn’t go to all of them. I couldn’t. Here’s hoping for a quieter June.

1 thought on “Last Day of School”

  1. *Yay for Summer!
    (I MIGHT get to sleep in… and then I just need to figure out reading schedules and chore schedules.)
    *Yay for Clarinet!
    (I played Clarinet Jr. High through Jr. College, clarinet players are known for being down to earth and really nice people. 🙂
    *Holy Cow that’s a LOT of parties!
    (I think I’m out of the loop for baby showers and other parties… I’ll think of that as a real positive thing. : )
    *Here’s hoping for a quieter June for ALL of us…
    (oh yeah, my June’s booked. oops… forget hoping, let’s pray! 🙂

    P.S. Congrats on your story! I LOVE anthologies!

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