Flu update

Gleek has recovered from her week with the flu except for the cough that looks likely to linger for another week. Link had a miserable couple of days but seems all better now with no residual cough. Kiki is just hitting the upturn from her misery. She still isn’t well, but she is on the mend. Patch has been cheery and healthy throughout the whole time. Until today when he started coughing. This evening he spiked a fever. I expect him to be feeling poorly for the next five days at least.

Through some miracle, neither Howard nor I have caught this thing. We’ve both felt a little off, and spent some time wondering if we were coming down with it, but this one is hard to mistake. Tomorrow will be the fourth Sunday in a row that either Howard or I has stayed home from church with a sick child.

All the tending of sick children has begun to blur together. It becomes a wash of sleeping on couches or air mattresses next to fevered kids, thermometer readings, notes on medicine to make sure I’m tracking dosages, and an endless stream of drinks and snacks to tempt appetites. There have been occasional moments of amusement as when a sleepy/fevered Kiki told me very earnestly that her pinkies had gone for a walk and she wanted them back.

Is this swine flu? We haven’t had anyone tested, but I suspect that it is. It has all the symptoms. I’ll just be glad when it is gone.