
I’m always so glad when my kids are nice to each other. This afternoon they ran around outside wearing shorts and eating popsicles while playing a game and watching a hot air balloon. I live in Utah, this is January, the weather outside is about 45 degrees and gray. My children are nuts. But they had fun right up until the point that they realized they were COLD. At that point Gleek tried to come and leech heat from me by climbing into my lap. But she wouldn’t relinquish the popsicle, not a chance.

The popsicles were an experimental mix of tang and milk frozen into “sip & lick” popsicle molds. These molds are special because the “lid” of the mold forms not only the stick for the popsicle, but a little cup to catch the drips. The cup includes a little straw for slurping the melted liquid. I took one look at them and pictured children blowing melted popsicle fluids into huge sticky bubbles. Gleek looked at them and saw pure joy. They were at a thrift store, Gleek spent her own money and they came home with us. Last night the kids were checking the freezer every 10 minutes to see if the popsicles were done yet. The tang + milk was really yummy in frozen form, but as it melted it separated into orange curds and clear whey which was pretty yucky. Fortunately the kids ate them so fast that I only knew about the separation from the sticky little drips that Patches left all over the house. Well, I could have done without the sticky drips, but I got them all wiped up. I think.

5 thoughts on “Popsicles”

  1. I remember those! They were a lot of fun. We’d make popsicles out of soda pop, kool-aid, any sort of juice… Of course, some turn out better than others.

    I also seem to recall an “only eat them outside” rule at my house. Funny, that.

  2. I am a firm believer that some things are “outside only please” activities.

    Eating watermelon or popsicles, blowing bubbles, throwing any ball harder than a nerf ball… that sort of thing.

    Good thing it doesn’t really stay cold here long.. my son is a bubble freak, and would eat ice cream every day if I’d let him.

  3. Homemade popsicles in those little plastic containers are among my favorite memories from childhood. 🙂 I need to find some of those.

  4. OOOOOOooooooh. I remember those. (well, i’m still really a kid, but hey.) We had those back when I lived in the states. so useful. I could so still use them now as a teenager, those would be wicked. no way you can get them in NZ tho. *cries*

  5. I’m sure I’ve got some of those somewhere. Knowing my mother and my sister, probably several varieties in different shapes. Coincidentally, I made some really yummy iced tea yesterday and I was just thinking what a good summer treat iced-tea popsicles would be…

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