brain full

I got just over 5 hours of sleep last night. (It was my own fault for staying up too late.)

I spent all of this morning buried in testing a storefront/shopping cart combo that we are considering implementing for Schlock Mercenary. The moments not spent staring at my computer were spent taking clean pants to one school child, delivering a forgotten watch to a different school child, and explaining to a third why it is not acceptable to sneak away from the teacher and attempt to walk home. I also made phone calls to a doctor and a dentist for appointments.

Around 2 pm I crashed into a nap. It was not a restful nap. It was much too full of half-dreams about all of the above. As I was returning to the land of the wakeful, my brain supplied images of me trying to figure out how to enter my children as store products by somehow shoving them into the software via the monitor. There was also a sale on crooked teeth involved somewhere.

I either need more sleep, or less concerns crashing in my brain.

6 thoughts on “brain full”


    OK, I know I should be more sympathetic, but wow, been there done that! And the image of kids halfway in the monitor but an error message coming up in the cart … LOL. It’s amazing just what our brains come up with sometimes.

    What I find so funny after having woken up isn’t so much the crazy juxtapositions — it’s how that stuff somehow *made sense* inside the dream! Most of the time I can boot myself out of one of those dreams by realizing “This is so preposterous it’s obviously a dream, change the channel/subject”, but not always. And those exceptions almost always seem to be in times of high stress, juggling multiple items and trying to “catch up on sleep”.

    Sometimes those dreams can be useful. It was a dream like that, following a really long difficult stressful day+night at work, gave me the ah-HA! needed for how to make a pie-in-the-sky redesign of the credit settlement system actually workable. It ended up saving some $15 million USD per year, cutting out over 90% of the auditor overtime, and other *wow* benefits. Of course I lose a bit of my miracle-worker image by admitting the crucial seed came to me in a dream 🙂

    I’m sorry to not respond to more of your posts – they are wonderful and often thought-provoking.


    OK, I know I should be more sympathetic, but wow, been there done that! And the image of kids halfway in the monitor but an error message coming up in the cart … LOL. It’s amazing just what our brains come up with sometimes.

    What I find so funny after having woken up isn’t so much the crazy juxtapositions — it’s how that stuff somehow *made sense* inside the dream! Most of the time I can boot myself out of one of those dreams by realizing “This is so preposterous it’s obviously a dream, change the channel/subject”, but not always. And those exceptions almost always seem to be in times of high stress, juggling multiple items and trying to “catch up on sleep”.

    Sometimes those dreams can be useful. It was a dream like that, following a really long difficult stressful day+night at work, gave me the ah-HA! needed for how to make a pie-in-the-sky redesign of the credit settlement system actually workable. It ended up saving some $15 million USD per year, cutting out over 90% of the auditor overtime, and other *wow* benefits. Of course I lose a bit of my miracle-worker image by admitting the crucial seed came to me in a dream 🙂

    I’m sorry to not respond to more of your posts – they are wonderful and often thought-provoking.

  3. The fact that the crucial part came to you in a dream takes away from your miracle-worker image? Uh huh… *raises an eyebrow*

    Maybe you experienced a bit of a miracle after all… 😀

  4. The fact that the crucial part came to you in a dream takes away from your miracle-worker image? Uh huh… *raises an eyebrow*

    Maybe you experienced a bit of a miracle after all… 😀

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