Surprise Shoes

Yesterday, as I was gearing up all the kids to go to the cub scout Blue and Gold Dinner, I ordered Gleek to get her shoes on. She smugly stuck out her foot to show me that her shoes were already on. I reacted with delight and surprise. Patches witnessed this event and he wanted to surprise me too. He ordered me “Don’t Look!” and ran from the room.

A minute later he was back in the room with one shoe half on one foot. “Mom, I need your leg.” He said. This is how we usually put shoes on, he steps them onto my leg and I help wiggle the foot into place. I knelt down to help. But then Patches remembered he was trying to surprise me so he shouted “Don’t look! Just look over there!” He pointed at the wall. So I helped him wiggle his foot into the shoe while I stared at the wall. He ran to retrieve the other shoe and we repeated the process complete with the order not to look.

Then I stood up and said “Patches, go get your shoes on.”

“Ta da!” he announced while dancing his feet to show off his shoes. I acted completely surprised at his amazing feet.