So how are the kids?

Have I mentioned that Gleek is doing much better at school? Well, she has. Part of the difference was the emotional break through that she made when she realized that holding grudges was giving her bad dreams. Since then we’ve spent lots of times talking about feelings and about things that happened at school. We identify all the mads and then we let them all fly away into space. The other part of the difference is that Gleek now has her own desk rather than having to share a table with 5 other children. This little bit of personal space makes a huge difference for her.

Link is also doing well in school, but he has been missing his friend who moved away. He has been missing this friend lots this past week. We arranged for the friend to come and sleep over last Friday which helped…until the friend had to go home the next day. Unfortunately there isn’t much I can do for Link except hold him and agree that it is hard. We both know that while we’ll continue to have occasional visits with Friend, it will never be the same as having him live two houses down. It makes me sad to see Link so sad. I just hold tight while he cries and try to make sure he has other friends to play with.

Kiki is getting very excited to go to Junior High next year. We just registered her for her classes and she is thrilled that she will finally get to learn how to play the Clarinet. We even got the mouth piece fixed so that she can start practicing how to make noises with it. Howard is less than thrilled at the prospect of having a beginning clarinetist in the house, but he’ll live. Kiki is also enjoying school right now because her class is preparing to put on a couple of abridged Shakespeare plays. She gets to be the Narrator for Macbeth and a small part in Much Ado About Nothing.

Patches has begun to learn his letters. So far we’ve covered A and B. He loves to sit with worksheet pages and carefully trace all the letters. Then he’ll carefully cut them all out. He can spend hours doing these two things which makes getting work done a lot easier for me. And then there are days like today where all he wants is for me to sit next to him and snuggle but I really have to get accounting done. Not so happy. I need to be nicer to him this evening to make up for it.