Day: March 22, 2007

I rearranged my journal

Inspired by Janci, I fiddled with my livejournal to see if I could get it to match my website. I can. I’m pleased at my success. Now I just have to live with the new set up for a week to decide if I really like it or if it bugs me. I also need to figure out where I can host an image so I can put a custom header on my page. (Yes I know Howard can do it for me, but I want to do it for myself.)

This also leaves the quandry of a title and subtitle. I know so many people with clever journal and blog titles. I’d like to have one, but I haven’t yet been able to find one that truly fits. I guess I’ll just have to keep my eye out to find one. However I suspect that this will not be easy. I have a hard time applying labels to myself unless they are a perfect fit. The major reason I’ve always gone by my real name on the internet is that I could never find a pseudonym that fit correctly.

Accelerating toward Seattle

Next Monday morning we leave for our big trip to Seattle. I’m starting to pack and pull together Plan A for the trip. I suspect that by the time we pull out of the driveway we’ll already be on Plan B and before the trip is over we’ll be on Plan M or N. I’m trying to build this flexibility into the planning. Already every day that we’re in Seattle has something in it. Most days have two or three things. It is going to be a very busy trip, but I think we’re all going to really enjoy it.

Howard will be announcing this either tonight or tomorrow, but there will be an official Schlock Meet & Greet on Thursday March 29 from 6:30-11 pm. The host for this event has asked that we not publish his address on the internet, but if you want the address and directions use to email sandratayler. I’ll respond with directions. The event will be potluck, if everyone brings food to share there will be plenty to go around. We’ll provide plates, cups, and silverware. Howard and I do not drink alcohol, but our host says he does not mind if people bring their own so long as the drinkers are of legal age and have someone else to drive them home.

The other place to catch up with us is at Emerald City Comic Con. Howard will be there all day both days. The kids and I will pass through for awhile on Saturday. I’m guessing the kids and I will be at the con in the morning and elsewhere for the afternoon, but that is one of those things which will change on the fly.

Between now and then I need to do piles of laundry and pack everything up. It is going to be interesting getting it all organized. I’ll be packing for a convention appearance and a family trip at the same time. Both things have very different requirements. In addition I have to pack school stuff for the kids since they’ll be missing 8 days of school. Each day I’ll be making them create a journal/scrapbook page detailing what we did that day and what they thought about it. When they get back they’ll have to report to their classes about the trip. Then I’ll gather up all the pages and put them together with photos to create a Tayler family scrapbook. It is a lovely plan. I hope I can actually follow through with it during the middle of vacation chaos.