Small Kindnesses

Today the church Relief Society Meeting (the women’s auxiliary) covered the topic of charity. They meant “charity” as in the pure love of Christ and love for all people rather than “charity” as in people who ask for donations. It was a very good meeting where the teacher guided the discussion, but most of the input was provided by people sitting in the class. It hit close to home because three different times this past week I happened to be in a position where I could do a small, simple thing that made a huge difference to someone else. Those experiences and the lesson today have me thinking about how often simple things make the biggest difference. I need to be doing more of those simple things. Things like taking time to tell someone when I admire their clothing or hairstyle. Or calling a friend when I think of them. Or sending digital photos of my kids to my parents via email. Or being pleasant to the clerk at the grocery store.

All these small things cost me only a little bit of effort, but they can be huge to a person whose day needs brightening. I’ve spent the past year very busy. I’ve been very absorbed with family and business things. As we approach the end of the school year, things are slowing down a little. I need to take some of that newfound mental space and use it to benefit others. My life is still fairly busy and it will get even busier as the launch of the next schlock book approaches. But the small effort put into lifting someone else’s spirits, lifts my spirits as well. I need to remember that.