And the stress begins to rise

Howard leaves for Comic Con International in San Diego on Monday. This gives us three days to do all the necessary preparations to make the convention work. We have to pack everything that needs to go to the convention. We have to prepare things here at home so that I can manage without him. We have to prepare accounting things so we are ready to handle sales and tax in a different state. The list goes on. This show is huge and stressy. Hopefully it will break even for us.

Add to that some monetary stress and a long-overdue next Schlock book.

Add to that a family reunion in 3 weeks which I have to plan.

Add to that at least two somewhat dysfunctional computers. (Howard is trying a fix on his right now. If the fix doesn’t work, then he needs a new machine. Setting up a new machine for him will cost us thousands of dollars and at least a week of buffer and we’ll be even further behind on the next book.)

Add to that a new writers group, which is happy, but still new and different.

Add to that a couple of personal writing goals which I’ve missed, revised, then missed again.

Add to that laundry and dishes and clutter all over the house.

Add to that 4 children who need food and stories and love and attention.

No wonder my back muscles have turned into knots.