
I have run out of distractions.

All weekend I was so busy being stressed about getting Howard ready for Comic Con that I successfully ignored the fact that he was leaving. Leaving as in going to be gone. For a whole week. Denial was my friend then.

Today Distraction has been my friend. Within 30 minutes of Howard’s departure, his sister arrived with her two kids. She helped me clean my kitchen and talked to me about all kinds of stuff and then fed everyone pizza. It was truly wonderful. Then there was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. That occupied me until dinnertime. Then I announced to the kids that they could have a movie slumber party in the family room. I turned on a video for them and went upstairs to watch my own movie on my mini player.

Now the movie is over and it is time for bed and Howard isn’t home yet. In fact he’s still in the process of going away since he’ll get up in the morning and go even farther. I’m going to need more books and movies. I can tell.