
Yesterday definitely qualified as Not A Good Day. All the pre-convention stress erupted and left both Howard and I as emotional wrecks. The kids were frequently snapped at. By afternoon we were stressed beyond functioning, but Howard was 90% ready to go.

Things turned around at 3pm when the mailman delivered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I let Howard have first read, while I opted to dive into a re-read of Half-Blood Prince. What a beautiful calm evening we spent in a world of muggles and wizards. This is why we need fiction. Sometimes the only way to make this world better is to step out of it for awhile. Then we can come back and deal with what is here.

In addition to Harry Potter, we had a wonderful visit from an old friend. We knew him way back when we were engaged, but lost track of him during the intervening years. It was fun to catch up, reminisce, and eat a yummy dinner all at the same time.

Today I get my chance at Deathly Hallows. I’ll be back when I know how it ends.