I am not the energizer bunny

I am not the energizer bunny. I can not just keep going and going and going without rest. Those two sentences need to be my new mantra that I chant to myself.

Yesterday I talked about being a jellyfish, but I was not actually jellyfishing. Oh, I had a few jellyfish moments, but the rest of the time I was either doing things or making sure they got done. I kept telling myself that relaxing would be so much more pleasant if I just got this one thing taken care of first. But there was always One More Thing, all day long. Then around bedtime, I looked at the schedule for the next week and realized that it was full of One More Things. The time to relax and jellyfish was like a retreating mirage at which I could never arrive.

That was when I broke. The energizer bunny’s motor just overheated and burned out. Pink was never my favorite color anyway. Howard picked up some pieces. The kids picked up some more. We all muddled through and went to bed.

Sometime in the middle of the night I realized, “Oh. I’m sick.” Sure enough, I’ve been attacked by a rhinovirus. It says something about how tired I am that I’m glad to be sick. Now I have a solid excuse to call people and ditch some responsibilities for a day. Howard and I got a substitute for our primary class. We kept Gleek home because she is also sniffly. The other three kids were sent off to church together. Now I’m headed to bed to sleep and convalesce. Looks like I get my jellyfish time after all.

There are things to do tomorrow, but like a proper jellyfish I can’t bring myself to care about them right now. This is so much better than yesterday when I was just as tired, but I couldn’t stop caring or planning ahead.