Parent teacher conferences

Sometimes parent teacher conferences are nothing more than me and a teacher smiling at each other and agreeing that we both like my child. That means everything is going well. Other conferences consist of me and the teacher puzzling over a problem and outlining a solution. Then there are the conferences where the teacher and I spend time commiserating, but neither of us knows how to get a handle on the issue. In today’s conferences, I had one of each. Patch is taking to kindergarten like a fish takes to water. Link has been marking time at school without working so that he can get home and do the things he really cares about. His teacher and I have figured out how to corner him and require him to work before he plays. Gleek has two teachers who love her like I do, who see the same issues that I do, and who are as baffled as I am about how to help her with them. The rapport is nice, solutions would be nicer. Unfortunately I think that the solution is ultimately developmental. As Gleek matures, today’s major issues will disappear. They’ll probably morph into tomorrow’s issues, but if I spend time pondering that I will curl into a ball and cry.

In short, I’ve now got a newly expanded parenting “To Do” list. The thought makes me tired.