Even more Seattle Anticipation

Wonder of wonders, it looks like we may all attend church together. Everyone woke up feeling almost normal this morning. In addition Gleek and Patches have taken a bath so they will smell like clean and shampoo rather than like sand and dirt mixed with marker. I think this will be the first time they’ve been truly clean in days. Link is also taking a shower and Kiki intends to take one. So, not only will we all be at church, but we will all be clean for it. It is nice when life occasionally matches my ideals.

After church I need to throw myself into a frenzy of packing. All the laundry is clean, but none of it is folded and none of it is in suitcases. Before the end of today both of those conditions need to be changed. Since everyone is feeling better I fully intend to draft some help with this project. Of course the problem with having kids help pack is that they have very different ideas about what is necessary than I do.

The kids are all very excited for this trip. We’ve been talking about it and counting down to it for weeks. For them “Seattle” has come nigh close to “Disnelyand” for desirable destinations. I hope that the reality matches their expectations. I think it will because mostly I think they’re excited to be going someplace and haven’t put a whole lot of thought into what they’ll do when we get there. This is another area where I differ from my kids. I have put hours of planning into what we’ll do in Seattle. I’ve mapquested all our probable destinations. I’ve printed out info sheets on all the museums, hotels, and aquariums. I put all this information into a three ring binder. That binder will live in our van as a useful reference through-out the vacation.

Departure is tomorrow. So much to get done. I can hardly wait to get going.

10 thoughts on “Even more Seattle Anticipation”

  1. I’d have to vote for the aquarium, I absolutely adored it there. This big kid thinks the littler kids will love it 🙂

  2. I’d have to vote for the aquarium, I absolutely adored it there. This big kid thinks the littler kids will love it 🙂

  3. That’s some intense organization. I hope the plan survives contact with the city.

    (Also: I just saw your header image for the first time. It’s very pretty.)

  4. That’s some intense organization. I hope the plan survives contact with the city.

    (Also: I just saw your header image for the first time. It’s very pretty.)

  5. Have a wonderful time! I love traveling with my kids (well, most of the time) because they get so excited about everything. I get to see it all through their eager eyes. I’ll be thinking of you when it snows on Wednesday.
    ps. love the new look and title.

  6. Have a wonderful time! I love traveling with my kids (well, most of the time) because they get so excited about everything. I get to see it all through their eager eyes. I’ll be thinking of you when it snows on Wednesday.
    ps. love the new look and title.

  7. We are planning a trip to Portland in June to see Ross’ family…
    after reading your preparations, I think I need to do more research.
    That binder idea sounds wonderful!

  8. We are planning a trip to Portland in June to see Ross’ family…
    after reading your preparations, I think I need to do more research.
    That binder idea sounds wonderful!

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