
Today I had to haul Gleek out of a church meeting. She was working herself into a tantrum because she’d forgotten her colored pencils at home. It was one of many irritations that took place in the morning. I took Gleek and shut both of us in an empty classroom where we both cried a little until we felt better. Then we went back for the rest of the meeting. I helped my kids give talks in their primary meeting. Then I sat through the adult lessons.

After church was still feeling grumpy and sad and stressed. I followed Patches home which is never a quick process because he has to walk carefully on all the curbs and climb this one special rock and jump off of it. These things can not be skipped nor hurried. If they are not done right, they must be done again.

Our home teacher stopped by for his monthly visit about an hour after church. I was not thrilled when he made the appointment. I much prefer having home teachers over when Howard is here because Howard can talk to anybody. I don’t like awkward silences with people I don’t know well. I think I’ve gotten better at building conversations because the home teacher was here for 40 minutes and there wasn’t a single awkward silence. And it wasn’t because I babbled. Instead I asked good questions that led him to tell me about the surveyor work that he does. It was really interesting and he volunteered to show some of it to my Webelos den sometime. I felt much better after he left.

I spent some time watching About A boy. I really enjoyed the movie. It is not what I expected and I came away feeling happier.

Later this evening was the church potluck dinner. The people who usually host it were gone, so our cul de sac was in charge instead. Our yards are not nearly as beautiful, but I think the potluck went well anyway. I know it was exactly what I needed. I needed a chance to talk to other people and feel like I’m not alone in the challenges I face. It was wonderful to talk and laugh with grown ups.

All of this ties together with the theme from About A Boy: no man is an island. We find the solutions to our problems by helping solve the problems of others. It is our connectedness that heals us and gives us strength to go on. This morning I was miserable because Howard is gone and I felt alone. This evening Howard is still gone, but I feel much happier because I spent time connecting with other good people who face the same sorts of challenges that I face. I was able to suggest things that might help them. They made suggestions that might help me. I’m so happy to have a web of connections in this neighborhood.

I still miss Howard though.

2 thoughts on “Connections”

  1. Church.

    Yesterday church was crazy because:
    I was asked to substitute the youth Jr. Sunday School on Friday.
    Ross woke up with a migraine. ( so he was NO help.)
    We forgot to bathe SoccerGirl.
    I got busy making a handout for the class and left myself and 2 kids only 15 minutes to get ready… only to realize that Ross wasn’t moving fast enough or well enough to take care of kids and get them to church.
    I had to get to church 1 hour early.
    BECAUSE: I had to make copies 15 minutes before choir practice starts, and choir practice starts 45 minutes before church starts.
    Kids always stand right in your way when you are in a crazy hurry!
    Plus I had to carry 3 bags and kept bumping people and kids with them.
    So then things slowed down and I sang my best as the only tenor in my ward choir, and the meeting went well.
    ( I felt like a hero when I reached over the bench to the front to help a little girl NOT dump the sacrament water on her sister and dad. 🙂
    THEN I tried my best to teach the Jr. Sunday School 12-14 yr olds about the Armor of God. (I had great help from Ross telling me all about armor and weapons and how they worked etc.)
    Afterwards I asked a sister assigned to help an autistic girl in my class, “Is it always like this?” and she said, “No, actually they were quieter today.”
    REALLY? I felt like I was yelling over everyone.
    Ahhh, then I could relax…. whew!
    WHEW! oh but then, after church SoccerGirl cried about everything and I kept worrying that our new cat Boo was going to attack her. And Belatedly it was her first night without pullups. She sleeps SO deeply.
    woke up at 2am wet. yawn.! Yay! I survived Sunday! : )

    Church potluck dinner sounds so cool! Is it weekly or monthly?

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