Bits and pieces

I’m posting this from a laptop computer because a very kind friend chose to loan me his old one. I’m still in the getting-things-configured stage, but the machine is already far better than what I had. Yay for laptop!

Today was mostly spent in a marathon roleplaying session at my house. Everyone wanted to complete things because we know that this group will be unable to meet again until after the book shipping in early December. It has been fun roleplaying again. It has also been exhausting. I’m just not used to spending long quantities of time with focused social concentration. By the end of the session I could barely add numbers anymore. The game is fun. The story being told is fun. The group is a good one. They’re even really nice about letting Kiki play with us.

The other kids have all be surprisingly good during the day. Howard is out buying ice cream for them to thank them for being so good while mom and dad play. We’ll eat the ice cream tomorrow after church.

Since November 1st, when I had my perspective shift, the heart palpitations have disappeared completely. This lends much credence to the idea that they were stress induced. I was apparently inflicting them on myself.

I finished the first pass on Teraport Wars layout. I now have the strips in place. This gives us a firm page count (224.) Next week I start prepping images of bonus art so that I can put them all into place. Next week I also do more work on sorting invoices and printing labels for the upcoming mass mailing.

Things are well in Taylerland.