
Today has the feel of November. The sky is cloudy gray and sprinkling rain have made the multicolor leaves damp and wet. Even though they are limp, those colored leaves remind me that we are in November and not January. The warmth and glow of the holidays lies ahead of me and so I’m willing to forgive a little gloomy weather. In fact the gloom seems more an excuse to curl up inside and drink cocoa than cause for mourning. November is filled with promise of things that are yet to come.

I like November. I particularly like this November because I was ready to be done with October about a week before it was ready to be done with me. I fully expect to find stress again before November is over. Book shipping is imminent and there are holiday preparations to be made. But I’m not going to let tomorrow’s potential stresses squash the joy out of the space I have today. Tomorrow has enough time for the business tasks to be done. Today is for calm and quiet. It is for curling up and napping. It is for snuggling children and finding things to giggle over. Today is for joy.