Laughter, play, and monkeys

Howard placed his lunch plate in the sink. He turned to me and said “I think I’ll go have a nap.”

Patches jumped down from his perch on a stool and ran, giggling, for the master bedroom. Howard took off after him with cries of “Oh no you don’t! That’s my spot!”

I remained in the kitchen alone, listening to the sounds of deep male laughter mixed with little boy giggles. I’m not sure exactly what shape these games take, because I’m not invited to play. I know it starts with Patches attempting to get into Howard’s nap spot before Howard does. After that I think there is blanket and pillow stealing. I’m sure tickling enters into the games somehow. Mostly I know that they both love it so much that the games sometimes last for 40 minutes or more. I love that Howard and Patches have this mid-day time together. I love that Howard sometimes announces his intention to nap, not because he is tired, but because he wants to play with his son.

Of all the developments in our self-employed lifestyle, I have most loved watching the emergence of play in Howard. He plays with all his kids in ways that he did not before. The other kids don’t get naptime games because they are in school, but there is more silliness and laughter in our house than before. Howard teases the kids and they tease him right back.

“You know what I want?” sighs Kiki, who was hoping for cookies.
“A Monkey!” announces Howard with a grin.
Kiki rolls her eyes because she knows that monkeys are a standard answer for all kinds of queries. “No Dad. I already have a monkey. Her name is Gleek.”
Had Gleek heard the conversation, she undoubtedly would have announced proudly “I’m a monkey because I climb!” But Gleek was not present, so instead there followed a discussion about the advantages of actual monkeys over human ones.

Monkeys sometimes make it onto our grocery lists. I then cross them out and write “No Monkey!”

This weekend Howard has plans to bring out his War Machine figs and teach Link how to play. Kiki often sits in Howard’s office after the other kids are in bed and keeps him company. Gleek gives Howard giant monkey hugs. They each play with Howard in different ways and I love it all.