Idle brain

My brain does not like to be idle. It always wants to be engaged on multiple levels. I habitually read while I eat. I’ll listen to music or watch a show while doing manual tasks like folding laundry. There is this almost incessant need for new information. Sometimes it is fiction, other times it is factually based. But every so often I find a day where some instinct tells me “enough.” Then I find myself avoiding input sources. I’ll turn off the music, leave the books laying, walk away from the internet. On these days I have a strong need just to stare at nothing in particular and let my brain wander. Today was such a day. I found myself seeking out manual labor tasks that I usually find boring. No profound thoughts emerged from all the thinking. I had no epiphanies. But my house is cleaner now than it was and I feel calmer. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.