Day: November 21, 2008

Pig latin

Gleek talking to her brothers: “I hope that next year Bestfriend and I are in the same class, because we both know how to speak pig latin. Then we could talk to each other and no one would know what we’re saying!”

It continually amazes me to watch the kids discovering as new things that were already old when I discovered them 30 years ago. Folklore is alive and well, transmitted through public schools from generation to generation. Gleek and bestfriend have delighted in speaking lots of pig latin over the last few weeks.


I’ve been dragging all week long. Usually I spend the morning knocking down multiple small items on my To Do list, or knocking down one big item. By afternoon I’m ready to slow down. This week the mornings have been slow and the afternoons have been close to a dead stop. Yesterday morning I admitted defeat and went back to bed as soon as I got the kids off to school. I slept for nearly two hours. Then I got up and ate breakfast. Yesterday was still pretty slow, but this morning I’m feeling closer to normal. I think I may have been fighting an illness. Or maybe I was still recovering from not getting to sleep in over the weekend. Or maybe sleep and food are good for me. Who knew?

The one thing I did get done yesterday was to put most of the labels on the last 800 post cards. Patch and I sat at the table with my little video player. We watched Mythbusters while applying labels and stamps. Patch was very pleased to be able to help. He was even more pleased to be earning a little money for his work. He’s saving up for an Indian Jones lego set like Link has. It was fun to sit at the table with him. We occasionally commented to each other about the show. Other times Patch would tell me about things that happened at school. Patch has a strong need to verbalize his experiences. I need to be making more time to listen to him because it is always interesting to hear the connections he makes.

The only other thing I managed to accomplish yesterday was laundry. Laundry is something of a nemesis lately. It seems like every time I turn around the baskets of clean laundry are empty and the dirty laundry hampers are full. Lately the clothes cycle from clean basket to dirty hamper without ever seeing the inside of a drawer or closet. This has the effect of making us all feel jumbled because we all have to rummage through piles to find clothes to wear. Obviously the system needs an overhaul of some kind, but I can see what to change yet.

Today I am shipping out packages, finishing laundry, mailing post cards, and making sure I eat on schedule. Tomorrow I am sleeping late because it is Saturday and I can.