
I am grouchy today. Everywhere I look I see all the small damages that house and furniture acquire after years of use. Each thing is small, but the accumulation makes me feel like my home is shabby. Even worse is knowing that many days I don’t even notice all of this stuff. How many people have I invited to sit on that couch with the stuffing coming out of the split in the cushion? The same split I intended to repair years ago? Sigh. It makes me want to refurbish and paint everything. Except I know that I do not have the time to undertake a series of home improvement projects. And I do not have the money to pay someone else to undertake them for me. At least not right now. Little by little we’re starting to use excess funds to make some of the repairs. We ordered new blinds a couple of weeks ago to replace the stained curtains which are falling off the bent curtain rod in the boys room. I wish they were here already. Maybe then I could believe that I’m actually going to start doing all this stuff instead of getting distracted and forgetting it for another 5-10 years, during which family and friends will politely ignore the stuffing spilling out of the couch cushions.