Pattern analysis

I keep skipping breakfast. This is not intentional. I just get moving on the day and then realize I’m really hungry at around 10:45 when Patch arrives home from Kindergarten. I know I shouldn’t skip breakfast. I’d have more energy all day if I didn’t. And yet the pattern persists. I think it is because eating represents a break. It is a time for me to slow down and relax a little. Slowing down is the last thing I want to be doing first thing in the morning. Mornings are when I dig in and get piles of work done. I’m more likely to eat if there is something I can grab and eat quickly. On the mornings that Howard cooks for me, I’m happy to eat. So perhaps eating is not the problem so much as preparing food. I don’t want to get creative preparing food. I want to use that energy and creativity on the other tasks of the day. The answer probably involves me planning ahead and having quick-to-grab foods available. Unfortunately this requires me to think about breakfast ahead of time and I’m not likely to want to focus on food then either. I wish food were optional. Eat it when it is fun, skip it when it is not. But if food were optional, I’d probably never take breaks until I was brain fried and exhausted. Breaks are good for me. So is food. I need to make sure I get both regularly.