He lights up my life

With the end of the insane 2008 convention season and the shipping of Teraport Wars, Howard and I have found ourselves with more time and brain space than we have had in over a year. We’ve been spending some of that on home maintenance. Mostly we’re taking care of little things, but it is surprising how much difference a small maintenance task can make. Howard has been focusing primarily on the lighting in our house. He replaced two fixtures that we’ve hated for years. Then he went through the rest of the house replacing light bulbs and talking about replacing other fixtures as well. The thoroughness of his attention to lighting was a little puzzling to me since lighting had not seemed like a big issue to me. Then something he said clicked into place in my head. The days are getting shorter and Howard remembers clearly how hard last winter was on me. We suspect I have a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder. I feel more sad/depressed in the winter. Howard is paying so much attention to the light in our house, because he hopes it will help make my winter better. Oh look, it already has.