My weird brain and an interview

Many times I’ve read articles bemoaning the fact that people try to dodge responsibility for things that they have done. I have the opposite problem. I grab responsibility for things which were truly not my fault. When I find myself in a heated exchange of words or a conflict, I feel like it is my job to fix it. Even when I can logically see that the best thing for me to do is leave it alone, the back of my brain keeps churning. It rehashes conversations or online exchanges, rehearsing things I could say or do. Somehow this back part of my brain believes that if I can only find the right action or words, I can make everything better and we can all be friends. Except, for some situations, it really is best to just walk away because mucking about trying to fix it will only continue the conflict rather than letting it fade away. I just wish my logical brain and my emotional brain would not work at cross purposes this way. It makes the inside of my head noisy until I want to hide from my own thoughts.

On a much happier note: Stacy Whitman, a former Mirrorstone editor gone freelance, interviewed me on her blog yesterday. We talked about my experiences with self publishing. It was fun to answer the questions because it showed me some things about my experiences that I hadn’t put together in exactly that way before. The interview is long, but if you’re interested You can find it here.

2 thoughts on “My weird brain and an interview”

  1. Somehow this back part of my brain believes that if I can only find the right action or words, I can make everything better and we can all be friends.

    Yeah, I have this problem too. 🙁

  2. Weird brains think alike!

    Well, I guess you don’t have a weird brain because that’s exactly how my brain works too!
    Ross has to tell me to LET IT GO! It will be best if you just let it go!
    I got a comment on my blog a week ago or more that I responded to, made things worse, got a comment back and wanted to write back because my brain wants to make the truth be known and correct incorrect things and fix fix fix… but, no. I cannot. My brain still is trying to write a comment to that comment… but, I have to let it go! argh! hard thing.

    good for you! on the interview thing!

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