Sending out cards

Yesterday Janci came over and helped me put address labels and stamps on 2300 post cards. Patch helped too and had a great time doing it. Today I have 800 more to do. Those are the holiday thank you cards to all the people who ordered stuff from our online store. After that is done, I need to contemplate sending out an actual holiday letter to friends and family. Every year I think about it, but I rarely get them done. We’ll see if this year is any different.

9 thoughts on “Sending out cards”

  1. 3100 cards in total???

    I’m thinking you might wanna trim that list down a bit. I volunteer for the chopping block if it makes life a bit easier. 🙂

  2. *chuckles* The odds were that it had.

    I’m just saying that this devotion to the fans (I assume that’s where this list came from) is both why we love you guys, and why we worry about your sanity. 🙂

  3. I went down to the Keep today and Howard showed me the card. They’re so cute! And re: Christmas cards to friends and family, I know what you mean. I’ve been meaning to do them for about 7 or 8 years now, and never do get around to them for some reason or other, whether it’s time or lack of money for the immense postage bill. I should let myself do it in tiers: first immediate family, then grandparents, then aunts and uncles and friends, then cousins. I might actually get some out if I did that.

  4. Care

    This at least part of the reason I support Schlock, we’re note just buying Schlock, we’re supporting your family. It’s care like this that you can expect from Tayler Inc.

    Thanks and take care,


  5. I’m glad you like the cards. I was really pleased with how they came out.

    We did Christmas cards/letters every year until the year that Howard quit Novell and we were strapped for cash. We haven’t sent them out since. First we were too broke. Then we were too busy.

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