Day: September 11, 2004

Trading Spaces part 2

Howard’s office is now completely moved. There are still small set up chores to be done, pictures to be hung, etc, but everything is in there and it all works. This is thanks to Chalain and Liren.

I simply can’t say enough nice things about Chalain or Liren in this move. They surrendered an entire Saturday. They came despite the fact that Chalain’s back was murderously painful. They not only helped me unplug and reconnect the computer, but brought tools and helped me lay cable through the walls to provide internet connectivity. They put up cable in such a way that we can conveniently hook up a server should we ever choose to do so. And They did all this for the price of a pizza lunch. Friends like that are truly truly priceless. I’m very lucky to have them.

The cable laying and computer hook up were tedious, but everything worked perfectly the first try. I really couldn’t ask for anything more except for Howard to be home to see his new space.

Trading Spaces

Today is the day of The Big Move. I’ve rounded up help to move Howard’s drawing and computing space out of the Dungeon Office of Doom and into a room with a view. Granted it is mostly a view of grass and feet, but it has actual daylight.

The move is about halfway done right now. The heavy lifting is over. Two amazing friends came over and carried Howard’s big drawing table up the stairs and maneuvered it around the corner into his new office without having to disassemble it. This saved us one or two hours of frustration with accompanying attmepts to not swear. I was REALLY not looking forward to taking that thing apart and putting it back together. There are springs and bolts and nuts and odd shaped pieces of metal involved. Instead all of the heavy lifting was done in less than 30 minutes. Yay!

Now comes the computer re-assembly. I’ve drafted Chalain and Liren to help me with this. Mostly Chalain, Liren is along for the ride and to keep me company. In theory the computer reassembly is tedious, but routine. Except that I know computer systems. We could be in for an hour or two of frustration with accompanying attempts not to swear.