Writing community

Sometimes you arrive at a place that you have never been before and it is like arriving home. Finding the local Science Fiction/Fantasy creative community was like that for Howard and I. We were instantly enfolded and welcomed. The process continues year after year as we attend local events. Each time I meet new people who are delightful and witty. Each time I walk away having learned something new or with a course of action to pursue. There is not enough time in these events for me to have all of the conversations I’d like to have.

LTUE has one more day tomorrow. After that I am like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight. I go home and put away the nice clothes to don my mommy gear. Then I will only have shining memories of all the delightful people and laughter. Unlike Cinderella, I’m not completely sorry to be back to normal because I know there will be another shiny convention to come and I will get to see all the people again. I’ll get to find out how they are doing and where their projects are. I will get to laugh and make jokes. It is all wonderful and invigorating, but it is also exhausting. I am glad to come back home where I can rest. I am glad to just sit in the quiet with my laptop and think.

Writing is so solitary. We all need the chance to see that we are not alone, that others have the same struggles. We need to talk and laugh and celebrate accomplishments. But then we need to go back home and get back to work, because without the work there is nothing to celebrate.