Wednesday Incoming

Here it is. 7 am on Wednesday morning. Anyone who has been reading my journal for more than a week knows that last Wenesday walloped me hard. I’m kind of expecting the same today.

Scheduled events:
9:30 am Drive kids to school
10-12 am Scrapbooking at the church (Yay! Adults to talk to!)
12-2 pm at home for Patches nap
2:30- 3:15 pm Gym time
3:30 pick up kids from school
4:15-6:15 drive in circles taking kids to and from classes.
6:30 Home and collapse

Unscheduled events that need done:
Folding laundry
organize computer desk
organize pantry
eat at least 3 times
feed the children at least 3 times

I could put more stuff into the Unscheduled Events column, but I’ll be lucky to get the stuff that is already there done. Besides I don’t want to feel overwhelmed before I even start today.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Incoming”

  1. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

    Everything else is just gravy.

    Well, okay, maybe you could check in on the kids or something, make sure THEY’RE breathing too. I dunno, I’m not a parent–they probably just sort of do that on their own anyway, right?

  2. Well I survived Wednesday just fine. I’m thinking (hoping) that last week walloped me so hard because it was all new. This time I had the rythm of how it should go and I rode the wave instead of getting plowed under.

  3. Hurrah!

    That’s what we had hoped would happen.

    And maybe as the weeks roll on you can find some ways of combining things.

    Howard’s home tonight, right?

  4. Grrrr!

    “Late tonight” has transmogrified into “wee hours tomorrow” or maybe “mid-day tomorrow” courtesy of hurricane Ivan.

    Who’s idea was it to fly him through Atlanta anyway?

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